"To be successful, the first thing to do is fall in love with your work." -- Sister Mary Lauretta
There are moments in everyone's working life where they feel they are in the completely wrong job. I've had those days where it seems nothing goes right...the faculty seem impossible to please, students are trying to weasal their way out of a requirement, or they have added yet another duty to the list of the things I need to do every day.
There are moments in everyone's working life where they feel they are in the completely wrong job. I've had those days where it seems nothing goes right...the faculty seem impossible to please, students are trying to weasal their way out of a requirement, or they have added yet another duty to the list of the things I need to do every day.
But then, along comes a day or a week that makes it all worth it. For me, it was last week. A girl came in, upset that she would be unable to financially pay for school...I talked with her a while, found out more about her situation and gave her some advice. Lo and behold, she came back in the other day to say that I had helped her so much and that she woul be able to stay in school! I felt on cloud nine!
In addition, as students are getting ready to graduate, they come to see me regarding last minute graduation advice. One student told me that she could not participate in the graduation cermemony because she didn't think she would be able to afford the attire. Understanding what it's like to not have extra money for stuff like that, I called the Event office and they assured me that the student would not be without attire. Again, it felt good to be able to help this student find a solution. Now she will be able to participate in the ceremony and have her family cheer her on as she takes that walk across the stage. It is so frustrating to think that there may be other students facing the same issues, but they may not know that there are solutions out there.
Overall, I guess that is it for now...I'll share more later.
Until next time,
1 comment:
Thanks for your comment, Karma Girl. That's funny how you ran into my blog. Besides being from Olympia, we have some other things in common -- both Cancers (although I take less than zero stock in that,) both have some Bay Area experience (I went to Stanford,) and we are both teachers!
Send me a little more information about your Olympia self (you can find my email on my Blogger profile.) This is a fun coincidence.
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