"Never get so fascinated by the extraordinary that you forget the ordinary." -- Magdalen Nabb, author
Ok, so I'm back after a very long hiatus from writing in my Blog. I can't really explain why I haven't been sharing here. So many excuses...ugh! I'm tired of excuses. I think that was simply it, I was tired. I felt that I'd been going down this negative path with the Blog, with my feelings in general. The break really helped. In the last year, I've done a lot to change my outlook and recognize what I can do to make my life better.
The number one thing, I started volunteering again. For so long, I'd felt terrible about not giving something back. Yes, there is always donating money, but that is just not enough for me. I have so much free time, that I felt like I needed to do more. Last summer I took the initiative and found a local adult literacy program...since I'd missed their training, they asked me to volunteer as a math tutor for a 5th grader. That was awesome. She was a great kid!! I really enjoyed working with her...but once the adult literacy training came around, I felt like I had to move on. Adult Literacy is where my heart is!!
So in February, I completed my adult literacy training and have now started meeting w/ my learner. I'm so humbled by her life experience. I cannot possibly do her justice in this measly blog, she's lived through civil wars in her own country...watched people die around her...she was never allowed to go to school or be educated. Yet, she has this amazing smile and positive energy that spreads joy! She is so eager to read and write that I look forward to every meeting with her!
This goes to my quote at the top...enjoying the ordinary. I went to school for so long, but somewhere along the way, I forgot the joy in simply learning! The excitement one gets when a new concept is understood...or a new milestone is reached. I've taken the ability to read and write for granted and now I have the opportunity to experience the joy through H's eyes. I feeled truly humbled and honored to be able to spend time with this program.
As for other parts of my life
I've been, once again, working on being more active. Since D&P broke up, I've really made an effort to be there for D. This has meant more hiking and such. Basically it has meant getting out more in general...dinner parties, bar nights, poker, etc... It's actually been good to have the old D back, the way he was when we were just out of college. We had such a great time hanging out back then. The last few years have been such a struggle...it's been so much drama and angst. Probably stemming from the fact that we were both unhappy with ourselves...D and I would argue and it always left me feeling a little hollow and hurt! I'm sure I've hurt him over the years too. It's nice to have my friend back. Now, once he is in another relationship, or back w/ P, I may lose him again...but for now, my "big brother" is back!
All in all, I feel pretty happy right now....life is full of ups and downs and this high may not last long (perhaps I should find some good drugs?? lol ) I know that I need to take one day at a time and enjoy my life as it happens.
Until next time,
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