As anyone who has found their way to this little part of the blogosphere can tell, I am not a disciplined writer. While I have dreams of writing THE great American novel, I have a firm grasp of my own limitations and procrastination. Do I think I could create a novel from the myriad stories locked in my brain? The best I have is maybe. My writing muscle is a bit weary these days...and far too long out of practice.
I did, however, make a promise to myself that when I FINALLY bought a laptop I would start writing again...whether it continue working on my "novel" or my blog, I wasn't so specific...writers write, whether it be an online stream of consciousness or the deliberate placing of words to bring about the exact feeling or emotion of a given event. Well, I now have my laptop! So, I'm holding myself accountable to, well, myself. There is no one else to do it. It is no one else's responsibility. So here I am...
To write...then comes the always paralyzing question of what to write about. I often feel that even with my few posts, this is the "Seinfeld" blog...a blog about nothing...or at least nothing in particular. It began as a chart of my progess in the battle of weight loss, but that quickly lost steam.
So now I envision it more to be place where I can simply exist...be myself, share my thoughts, and hopefully find some people who find it interesting. Too often, people feel unimportant in the grand scheme of th world...I'm no different. I mean just look at the images from the Hubble space telescope and you can't but feel like a speck of sand in an infinite universe. I imagine the web universe is becoming nearly as vast....I mean everyone has a MySpace, Facebook, and a LinkedIn page...not to mention their five email addresses, and three photo sharing sites.
So here I am, letting my fingers write whatever comes to mind...American Idol lyrically droning in the background. There is something about such shows that really pull me. Seeing dreams pushed further along or destroyed in the space of an hour. I've been a fan for many years, but I so hope this season will showcase some real talent. The last thing we need is another year that reaches Sanjaya levels of dreadful and ridiculous. Not that these contests mean much in the long run, I suppose. I can't say I own any of the winners albums...hell, it takes so long for them to come out, I've often forgotten who won.
I know there has been controversy about this season...but to hell with that...I'm ready for a season of REAL talent...not glorified glee club candidates or bubblegum pop stars.
Anyway, I will do my best to keep writing what is on my mind...
Until next time,
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