"We forge gradually our greatest instrument for understanding the world -- introspection. We discover that humanity may resemble us very considerably -- that the best way of knowing the inwardness of our neighbors is to know ourselves." Walter Lippmann 1889-1974, American Journalist
Well, I’ve seen several people posting their 101 Things About Me lists. Including one of my closest friends, so I’ve decided to take the plunge and do my own. Not sure anyone will even read it…much less find anything in interesting, but here goes:
1. I’m addicted to books!
2. My favorite fruit is/are cherries.
3. I don’t like the smell or taste of cinnamon.
4. While I dislike organized religion, I do pray.
5. Friday, the 13th will be my 10 year wedding anniversary.
6. We eloped.

7. I went to college right out of high school, dropped out after 3 years…it then took me 13 years to finish getting my Bachelor’s Degree…but I finally did it.
8. I was a nanny.
9. I was the kickball champ in 4th grade.
10. I’ve found myself, on more than on occasion, crying at hallmark commercials.
11. I love action movies.
12. I miss not have family living closer to me.
13. I want to be a mom…but it may not be in the cards.
14. I can play my City of Heroes/Villains video game for HOURS!
15. I converted to Catholicism when I was 19.
16. I have a “freak flag” and there are times when I let it fly…(see The Family Stone to get this reference…lol ;) )
17. I’m addicted to my DVR!!
18. I stopped biting my nails, so they were all long and beautiful…but then started biting only TWO of them…so the rest stay long while I have these two nubs that I nibble on.

19. I think of California as my “native” home, despite being born elsewhere.
20. I went to about 17 different schools in K-12.
21. I married the “bestest” guy in the whole world.
22. I’m a hopeless romantic.
23. I love scary movies…psychological thrillers as opposed to simple hacker films.
24. I still miss the dog I had growing up…a black miniature poodle named Gigi.
25. I still play Dungeons & Dragons and other role playing games.
26. As a kid, I used to pretend I was a famous actress…and of course I won an Oscar.
27. My recurring nightmare (since I was 12) has me widowed and left with 9 children, the youngest still in diapers.
28. I want to write romance novels…both romantic suspense and historical romance (westerns).
29. I’ve submitted three poems for publication…I don’t hear back until March.
30. I liked listening to Howard Stern when he was on the radio, but don’t want to spend the money for satellite radio.
31. I procrastinate.
32. I used to hate the color purple, but now I like it…I’ve never told anyone I like it, until now.
33. I’m a tv junkie!
34. My favorite shows are: Gray’s Anatomy, Gilmore Girls & Monk.
35. If it were in my power, I would do almost anything for a friend.
36. I believe the adage, "Friends are the family you choose for yourself."
37. My dream vacation destination is Scotland.
38. I believe our current president is a puppet at best, an evil tyrant at worst…either way, the country is suffering for it.
39. I believe in Karma!
40. I love chatting online.
41. I hate exercise…but realize that it’s necessary in order to be healthy.
42. I love pens…when I see new ones at Office Depot, I’ll buy them…my weakness: Pentel R.S.V.P. Fine point in purple, green or red.
43. I’ve had intimate encounters in public places…w/ my hubby and previous boyfriends.
44. Some of the more interesting places include: a city bus, a Laundromat, a Ferry, a car parked at a freeway off-ramp, and a cemetery.
45. I’m shy in groups where I don’t know anyone.

47. I rarely drink these days.
48. In college, I was a bit of a lush.
49. I’ve never had a one night stand.
50. I’m not very domestic.
51. Sometimes I think I’m a terrible wife.
52. I dislike most of Tim Burton’s movies.
53. I go to see them because of Danny Elfman’s music.
54. I’ve seen Oingo Boingo in concert.
55. I fell asleep during the movie The English Patient…it was soooo boring.
56. I was on the swim team in high school.

57. As a show of “team spirit” all the swimmers had to swallow live goldfish during a school assembly…which I did.
58. Afterwards, I felt like I had a fin stuck in my throat for weeks.
59. I’ve always disliked diamonds.
60. I love Lapis Lazuli
61. Pluto is my favorite Disney character!!
62. I voted for Ross Perot.
63. I think Clinton has been the best President since FDR!
64. If I were Monica, I NEVER would have told!
65. I am insanely curious about almost everything…
66. I hate it when I know someone is keeping a secret JUST from me.
67. I have many secrets!
68. I have several friends who have told me secrets that I’ve never told another person.
69. <<< Not really a fan of this position.
70. I have a great phone voice, or so I’ve been told.
71. I’ve been told I’m “pretty” (as in, “you have a pretty face.”) But I’ve never been told that I’m beautiful…
72. In high school, my dad told me I would be beautiful IF I lost weight.
73. I love my dad, but I still remember that comment and it still hurts.
74. I think if he knew how much it hurt me, he never would have said it.
75. I have two adopted brothers…both very young.
76. I do not speak to my oldest brother, and don’t plan on ever talking to him again.
77. Before I was married, I answered several personal ads to get dates.
78. I met my husband when we both were performers at the Rennaissance Faire.
79. I made the first move…he was and still is a bit shy.
80. I have lots of guy friends.
81. Most of them are gay.
82. I prefer the term “fruit fly” to “fag hag.”
83. This week, I tried Greek food for the very first time…it was “okay.”
84. My favorite flowers are Yellow Daisies & Sunflowers.
85. I love to take pictures.
86. I took over 800 on our trip to Hawaii.
87. I have an eclectic taste in music...Garth Brooks, Billy Joel, Elton John, Green Day, Metallica, Johnny Cash, Mozart, Toad the Wet Sprocket, Depeche Mode, and many more!!
88. I have a hard time saying “No.”
89. I think I still have a LOT to learn in this life.
90. I like going to the dentist if I know I’ll be getting Nitrous Oxide.
91. Otherwise, I’m petrified…even if it’s just a cleaning.
92. While on Nitrous, I’m certain I understand the universe and the meaning of life.
93. My hubby and I have talked about our “Lists” of famous people that IF we had a chance, would be “freebies”: mine include Hugh Jackman, Keifer Sutherland, & Viggo Mortenson…

94. I wish my friend’s dog, Kimba, was my dog….she’s so sweet.
95. I was spoiled as a kid.
96. I’m selfish as an adult…but I’m working it.
97. I’m forgetful…
98. I have trouble sleeping most nights.
99. If I won a giant lottery jackpot, I’d buy my sister her dream house.
100. I’ve never in my life been “thin.”
101. I’ve read as many as 6 novels (300+ pages each) over the course of one weekend.
Oh, like coming up with 100 wasn't hard enough? I have to come up with one more random fact to make it 101? LOL.
# 10 - You're not alone.
#17 - Me too. :)
#54 - LUCKY!!!!!
#55 - I did that at 'Signs.'
#63 - Amen!
#77 - Nothing wrong with that.
#93 - Hmmmm... a potential blog topic! Thank-you. LOL. :)
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